$189 – Complete Brush System Clean for Furnaces and Ducts
For those who suffer with extreme allergies, the brush system cleaning is a must. This method involves cleaning the home’s air conveyance system using AIRE-SWEEP® compressed air tools and mechanical agitation devices (brushes) to dislodge dirt and other contaminants from the ductwork and other HVAC components, followed by a powerful HEPA-AIRE®, HEPA-filtered vacuum/collection system to pull these contaminants out of the duct system, capture them and eliminate them. After all allergens have been removed, the motor and blower assembly, and blower compartment are thoroughly cleaned. This package also includes: cleaning of the burners, heat exchangers and furnace chimney stack; furnace multipoint inspection; up to ten vents cleaned and sanitized ($13.50 for each additional vent and main plenum); hot water tank cleaned; and standard-size furnace filters changed. This is a great deal on a truly complete air cleaning for those who need it most! We also offer cleaning service for ground level dryer vents. Please note there is an extra charge for vent cleaning on floors above ground level.