Furnace and Air Conditioner Maintenance: Good for the Environment and Your Wallet

When you are considering furnace and air conditioner installation for your Calgary home, many factors might be important to you. Cost is often a major consideration, and quality of labour is usually an essential detail, as well.

One of the top reasons to replace older heating and cooling products is to increase energy efficiency. This is one way to significantly reduce your energy bills. At Just In Time, we know that getting the most from such equipment is a priority for most of our customers. We also know that many Calgary residents care about the environment and energy conservation, in general.

Doing Your Part for the Environment with Timely HVAC Maintenance
Your household can do its part to benefit the environment in a variety of ways. One strategy is to maintain an efficient air conditioner and furnace. If your units are very old, you might need to replace them. However, regular air conditioning and furnace maintenance can also do much to keep your equipment running properly.

If you wish to reduce your impact on the environment, consider these points:

  1. Heating – Heating the home is a major energy expense for most households. By reducing the amount of energy that you use to heat your home, you could considerably decrease your contribution to today’s environmental issues. A colossal amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) makes its way into the atmosphere every year. By using a high-efficiency heating system, you could cut your fuel bills and your household pollution output by up to a third. Upgrading your furnace could help to conserve more than 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions annually.
  2. Air Conditioning – Getting a new air conditioner could also reduce your household’s impact on the environment. Air conditioning systems consume a high level of electricity to keep the modern world’s homes cool. An average household puts out 100 million tons of CO2 emissions on a yearly basis. Many newer air conditioner models are equipped with controls that make them more energy efficient. Because they work more efficiently, they use less electricity and put out a lower degree of CO2 emissions.
  3. Maintenance – While you do not necessarily need to rush to have your current equipment replaced, you should have it serviced on a regular basis. By getting your HVAC products cleaned and repaired as necessary, you will ensure that they operate more efficiently. When they run more efficiently, they consume less of our precious resources.

If your heating and cooling bills are high, talk to an expert from Just In Time. If you need to replace your furnace or air conditioner, we will be happy to help you select an efficient model. We can also clean and repair your equipment, so you can be sure it works as efficiently as possible.

Contact us today to explore all that we offer in air conditioner and furnace installation. If it has been a while since you had your system serviced, we can set up a maintenance visit for you. Call us at 403-333-6666, or request a quote online for furnace and air conditioner maintenance in Calgary.

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